Tips to Avoid Four Natural Gas Horrors

Tips to Avoid Four Natural Gas Horrors

Halloween is here, the weather is getting chilly, and things are about to get a little spooky. But, have no fear – we have four tips to help you avoid natural gas “Horrors!”

Horror #1

High bills can be frightening horrors – especially when you’re trying to budget.

General recommendations for winter thermostat settings: If someone is at home in the daytime, 72° F is a good place to start, but aim for 68° F. If everyone is away from home in the daytime, or you’re asleep at night, try setting the thermostat anywhere from 66° F to 62° F . A programmable thermostat can help you save money by cooling and heating your home only as needed and cutting back wasted energy.

Horror # 2

Remember to change the filter in your furnace, these should be changed seasonally. A dirty air filter can cause some costly horrors. Since the system airflow is reduced from a restricted and clogged filter, you’re forcing your system to work harder to push air throughout your home. The results are a higher bill…-not to mention the dust and allergens that can’t be filtered out.

Horror # 3

Don’t let carbon monoxide creep up on you. Carbon Monoxide is a toxic, flammable gas that is produced when a fuel is burned without proper air for complete combustion.  Carbon Monoxide is colorless and odorless and is absorbed into the blood 200 times faster than oxygen.

Everyone should have a carbon monoxide detector in their home. These detectors are designed to alert you when carbon monoxide levels are elevated. Your local fire department can direct you to a business or Web site where you can purchase a carbon monoxide detector. Like a fire alarm, these detectors will sound an alarm if CO builds up in your home or office. If the detector sounds the alarm, open the doors and windows, call a professional to check your appliances and call 911 or the Poison Control Center at 800-222-1222 if anyone is experiencing symptoms of CO poisoning.  Never leave a car running in the garage without opening the garage door. Car exhaust is one of the substances most associated with carbon monoxide poisoning. Lastly NEVER EVER use your stove to heat your home.

Horror # 4

natural gas leak is the scariest of all Horrors, Because natural gas is a colorless, odorless fuel, we add a chemical odorant called mercaptan that gives natural gas the smell that’s often associated with rotten eggs. If you detect a natural gas leak, remain calm and leave your home immediately. There’s no secret potion to fix a gas leak, but you can call YOUR GAS OPERATOR and emergency responders at 911 once you are in a safe place – away from the area of the suspected leak. Stay put until emergency personnel say it’s safe to return.