Winter safety tips for meters

While snow and ice accumulation can damage natural gas meters and lead to other safety concerns, they are made to endure cold weather. Keep gas meters clear of snow and ice to guarantee effective operation and your safety.
To protect your family and avoid service interruptions due to gas equipment damage, kindly abide by the following recommendations:
- To avoid ice accumulation and to protect melting or dripping water from freezing in the winter, keep it away from your meter.
- Clear snow and ice from the gas furnace exhaust vents so that appliances can vent properly. Carbon monoxide (CO) may accumulate in your home if the vent is blocked, posing a safety risk.
- Keep snow from obscuring your gas meter’s pressure regulator. Snow should be removed with care using a broom or your hands. Avoid using a shovel since it can harm the meter.
- Avoid piling snow against your meter or its equipment when shoveling, plowing, or blowing snow. Damage could result if the snow melts and then refreezes.
Make sure plow workers are aware of the location of your gas meter, especially if it is close to the street (use a bicycle flag to indicate location)—this will prevent them from hitting it by accidentÂ