Natural Gas Meter Summer Safety Tips

With summer arriving, many Missourians will be taking advantage of the beautiful weather by spending more time outdoors. Your Missouri natural gas companies would like to give you some meter summer safety tips to help ensure your meter functions properly and safely all year long.
Technicians must be able to easily access your meter to perform periodic safety checks and routine maintenance. Easy access to your meter can also be critical in an emergency.
Tips to keep your gas meter, easily accessible and help to prevent carbon monoxide build up:
- Trim tall grass, weeds, and greenery around your meter, especially near the natural gas regulator. The can decrease the risk of carbon monoxide building up in and around your home.
- Do not build decking or fencing that blocks access to the meter.

- Any mulch or other landscape material should allow for 6 inches between the bottom of your meter and the ground.
- Other than keeping it clear of obstructions, you should not touch or handle your natural gas meter.
- Never tie or wrap anything around the unit, and don’t let children play on the meter.
Always call 811 at least three business days in advance of any digging projects. Your provider will come locate and mark your underground utility lines. This FREE call could prevent damages or interruptions to you and possibly your neighbor’s utility services.