Summer is here, in case you hadn’t noticed the oppressive heat!

Summer is here, in case you hadn’t noticed the oppressive heat!

Summer is here, in case you hadn’t noticed the oppressive heat! The pleasant weather encourages swimming, barbecuing, setting off fireworks, and other summertime activities. Seeing friends and family get back together to spend time together is great.


Always remember these safety tips for using natural gas and electricity to make sure you have a joyful and safe summer:


Going for a swim?

  • Before swimming, be sure no electrical lines are crossing the pool.
  • Make sure any electrical equipment connected to the pool is grounded.
  • Electrical appliance use should be avoided around pools.
  • Remember to wear sunblock and sip lots of water.

Are you a grilling pro?

  • Grills are not meant to be used indoors.
  • A minimum of ten feet should separate a grill from your home.
  • Gas meters and gas grills should not be next to one another.

Firework Safety.

  • Avoid using fireworks near power wires.
  • Utilize fireworks in roomy outdoor settings.
  • Make sure you are wearing body and eye protection when using fireworks.
  • Children and animals should not be near fireworks displays.