Gas Meter Winter Safety

Gas Meter Winter Safety

The weather will be setting in more in the next few weeks and here are some things to consider for snow and ice removal around your natural gas meter.

  • When shoveling your driveway or walkways it’s never a good idea to shovel snow up against your natural gas meter.
  • If your meter is close to your driveway or at a parking area, consider installing driveway entrance reflectors around the natural gas meter.
  • Take care when operating a snow blower or snowplow around the gas meter.
  • Look above your gas meter and remove any icicles from the overhead area that can fall and damage your gas meter or any gas connections.
  • Never let snow completely cover the natural gas meter or any exhaust vents.
  • If snow or ice covers your meter do not kick or hit the gas meter as this can damage the meter or loosen a connection.
  • Best tool for cleaning your natural gas meter is a broom or your hand. If you need to use a tool do so at extreme caution.
  • Know where your shut off valve is to turn off the natural gas supply in case of emergency. Generally, you don’t need to shut off your gas meter unless there is strong odor or escaping gas. If you have any concerns or think your gas meter is damaged, please report it immediately to your natural gas operator.