Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)

Most likely, you’ve heard of renewable energy sources like solar and wind, but perhaps not renewable natural gas (RNG). Pipeline natural gas is typically produced from deep underground wells and is frequently related to the production of petroleum.

smithfields_lagoons_MissouriBiogas that has been refined for usage in place of fossil natural gas is known as renewable natural gas (RNG)*. RNG is made from several biogas sources, including municipal solid waste landfills, digesters at water resource recovery facilities (wastewater treatment plants), livestock farms, food production facilities, and organic waste management activities.




“We have the unique opportunity to quite literally capture a problematic byproduct and convert it to clean, Missouri-made renewable energy,” Bean said. “Currently the PSC may consider these items but could not make decisions based on whether the item was a prudent investment. The bill offers the use of waste products for clean energy, renewable natural gas, and a high-grade liquid fertilizer from the byproducts of the process.” – Senator Jason Bean, |Senate approves renewable natural gas