Place locate request to protect your safety and prevent pipeline damage.

Underground pipelines can be located anywhere, including under driveways, sidewalks and private property – these lines can even be inches below the surface due to erosion. Place locate request Hitting a natural gas pipeline while digging, planting, demolition work and even driveway or sidewalk removal can cause serious injury, property damage and loss of service.
That’s why its important to place a locate request before you dig.
Always Call or Click
Before You Dig.
It’s Easy. It’s Free. And, it’s the Law!
Call 1-800-DIG-RITE, 811 or online to place a locate request. By law, you are required to make your locate request 3 working days before you plan to dig. Weekends, State and Federal Holidays do not count toward the 3 working days. Click here to view the legally declared state and federal holidays in Missouri.
Safe Digging is No Accident. Electric, Gas, Water, Sewer, Telephone and Cable lines are buried everywhere and some are only an inch or two below the ground’s surface. A job as small as planting a tree or installing a mailbox or fence can damage underground facilities.
By notifying Missouri One Call, you will be able to place a locate request to notify the utilities of when and where you plan to dig.
Placing locate request provides the information to the utility companies that they need to find your dig site and mark their underground facilities.
Avoid serious injury or death and expensive damage to property and utility lines by placing a locate request to have your underground lines marked.
Quick Tips
To place locate requests; be ready with the following information when calling into Missouri One Call.
- Start date (The day you plan to start digging)
- Your contact information
- On-Site contact information
- Type of work you will be doing
- Type of Equipment you will be using
- Who the work is being done for
- Will there be trenchless excavation or explosives involved? Click here for definition of trenchless excavation.
- Know the depth you plan to dig
- The county, city and nearest cross street to the dig site
- Where on the property the underground utilities need to be located (example – front, rear, or sides of the property).